The Apes

In an alternative universe, far beyond the reaches of our own, lies a planet veiled in mystery and ruled by a dominant species: apes. Once, humans thrived upon its surface, but their presence has since faded into the annals of history, their civilizations crumbling beneath the ascendant might of the apes. Thus emerged a new world order, where the apes reign supreme and the memory of humankind lingers only as whispers in the wind.

Upon this planet, known simply as APEz, a delicate balance exists among its diverse ape populations. Despite the tumultuous history that led to the overthrow of humanity, the various ape factions have learned to coexist, albeit with occasional tensions and conflicts. Within this society, distinct groups have formed, each serving a specific role in the intricate tapestry of ape civilization.


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The Normies

The Normies, the backbone of Apez’s society, form the largest and most diverse group among the ape population. They encompass a wide range of occupations and lifestyles, from farmers tilling the fertile soils of Apez’s agricultural regions to artisans crafting exquisite works of art. Despite their varied roles, Normies share a common bond forged by their shared existence within the fabric of ape society. They are the ones who keep the wheels of civilization turning, toiling day in and day out to ensure the smooth functioning of Apez’s communities.

At the heart of Normie culture lies a deep sense of camaraderie and solidarity. They gather in bustling marketplaces to trade goods and stories, celebrate festivals to honor their shared heritage, and lend a helping hand to neighbors in times of need. Though they may not wield the same power or prestige as other ape factions, the Normies form the foundation upon which Apez’s society is built, embodying the resilience and adaptability that have allowed their species to thrive in the wake of humanity’s downfall.

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The Mafia

Within the shadows of Apez’s bustling cities and dense jungles lurks a clandestine underworld ruled by the enigmatic and ruthless Mafia. Operating with cunning and secrecy, the Mafia commands vast networks of influence and power, manipulating the strings of ape society from behind the scenes. Their operations range from illicit gambling dens and underground fight clubs to smuggling operations and extortion rackets, all conducted with meticulous precision to evade the watchful eyes of authorities.

Led by cunning bosses and supported by a legion of loyal enforcers, the Mafia wields fear and intimidation as their primary tools of control. They thrive on secrecy and deception, leveraging their connections to infiltrate every aspect of ape society, from the highest echelons of government to the darkest corners of the criminal underworld. To cross the Mafia is to invite swift and merciless retribution, as they enforce their own brand of justice with ruthless efficiency, leaving no room for dissent or disobedience in their shadowy domain.

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The Army

The Army of Apez stands as the formidable bulwark against external threats and the stalwart guardians of peace within the ape civilization. Comprising highly trained soldiers and strategists, they are the embodiment of discipline, courage, and unwavering loyalty to their cause. Tasked with defending the borders of Apez from potential invaders and maintaining order within its territories, the Army operates with military precision and unwavering dedication to their duty.

Led by seasoned commanders and generals who have honed their skills through years of service, the Army is a formidable force to be reckoned with. Their training regimen is rigorous and comprehensive, ensuring that every soldier is equipped to handle any challenge that may arise. Whether patrolling the borders, conducting reconnaissance missions, or engaging in full-scale warfare, the Army stands ready to defend Apez at a moment’s notice, prepared to lay down their lives if necessary to safeguard the future of their civilization.

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The Elders

The Elders of Apez are revered figures within the ape society, esteemed for their wisdom, experience, and deep understanding of the world around them. As the custodians of ancient knowledge and traditions passed down through generations, the Elders serve as the guiding light for their fellow apes, offering counsel and guidance in times of uncertainty. Their advanced age bestows upon them a sense of authority and respect, as their words carry the weight of centuries of collective wisdom.

Gathered in councils and revered gatherings, the Elders convene to deliberate on matters of significance to Apez’s society, drawing upon their vast reservoirs of knowledge to shape the course of their civilization. Their insights are invaluable, their perspectives enriched by the passage of time and the lessons learned from the trials and tribulations of history. Though their physical abilities may wane with age, the Elders’ minds remain sharp and their spirits indomitable, serving as beacons of stability and guidance amidst the ever-changing currents of ape society.

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The Doctors

The Doctors of Apez are revered as healers and caretakers, their knowledge of medicine and science standing as a beacon of hope in a world fraught with uncertainty. Armed with advanced understanding and innovative techniques, they dedicate their lives to the well-being of their fellow apes, tirelessly working to alleviate suffering and cure ailments that afflict their society. From treating common illnesses to conducting groundbreaking research, the Doctors play a vital role in maintaining the health and vitality of Apez’s population.

With clinics and laboratories scattered across the planet, the Doctors form a network of healing and innovation, collaborating to push the boundaries of medical science and explore new frontiers in healthcare. Their compassion knows no bounds, as they selflessly devote themselves to the service of others, driven by a deep-seated desire to alleviate pain and restore hope. Whether tending to the sick and injured in bustling cities or venturing into the wilderness to aid remote communities, the Doctors of Apez stand as paragons of compassion and dedication, their efforts shaping the course of their civilization for generations to come.

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The Drifters

The Drifters of Apez embody the spirit of wanderlust and adventure, roaming the vast and untamed landscapes of their planet with freedom as their compass. Unbound by the constraints of settled life, they traverse the wilderness with nomadic grace, their journeys guided by the ever-changing winds and the call of the open road. With no fixed abode or allegiance, the Drifters find solace in the simplicity of a life unburdened by the trappings of civilization.

Living off the land and relying on their resourcefulness, the Drifters forge their own paths through the wilderness, navigating treacherous terrain and encountering the wonders of nature with awe and reverence. They are the storytellers and the adventurers, the guardians of forgotten secrets and hidden treasures scattered across Apez’s vast expanse. Though their lives may be transient and their destinations ever-shifting, the Drifters find fulfillment in the freedom to explore and the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.

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The Zombiez

The emergence of Zombie Apez casts a shadow of fear and uncertainty over the once peaceful civilization of Apez. These twisted creatures, once ordinary apes, have succumbed to a mysterious affliction that strips them of their humanity, transforming them into mindless, ravenous beasts. No one knows the origins of this plague or how it spreads, but its effects are undeniable, threatening to engulf Apez in chaos and destruction.

Driven by insatiable hunger, the Zombie Apez roam the land in hordes, their vacant eyes scanning for their next victim. They show no mercy, attacking anything that crosses their path with frenzied aggression. Their numbers grow with each passing day, as more and more apes fall prey to the insidious curse that turns them into undead abominations.

As the threat of the Zombie Apez spreads, fear grips the hearts of the ape population, and whispers of a looming apocalypse echo through the land. The once stable society of Apez teeters on the brink of collapse, as the survivors struggle to comprehend the magnitude of the threat they face. In this desperate struggle for survival, the fate of Apez hangs in the balance, and only time will tell whether the ape civilization can withstand the onslaught of the zombie horde and emerge victorious against the forces of darkness.

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GLITCH FLIP 4x – 25,000,000 EAC ea
NORMIES 100x – EAC 0.01% Ownership
DOCTORS 15x – 5,000,000 EAC ea
ELDERS 40x – 1,500,000 EAC ea
ARMY 30x – 1,500,000 EAC ea
DRIFTERS 23x – 1,000,000 EAC ea
MAFIA 36x – 750,000 EAC ea
ZOMBIE 50x – 500,000 EAC ea
NORMIES 700x – $0 EAC

355,000,000 TOTAL EAC Up for Grabs (Valued at – $455.00 Matic)
Plus 100 – .01% EAC Ownership (Valued at $4,520.00)
Estimates Current as of 2024-03-09 6:00am